Our Sizing and Guarantee

Ratio Sizing + Blueprints = Perfect Fit

We’ve developed a remarkably accurate sizing algorithm to create your Ratio Blueprint, a custom pattern unique to you—for a fit you're guaranteed to love.

Create a Blueprint

No. 1 Ratio Sizing Survey

60 Seconds To A Perfect Fit

To nail down your Blueprint, just take our Ratio Sizing questionnaire. It asks a series of questions whose answers you probably already know, from height and weight, to T-shirt and suit sizes. It's a total of fifteen questions and takes about a minute. If you don’t know an answer, just skip it.

We process your responses through an algorithm we've honed with statistical rigor through thousands of fittings. The result is a remarkably accurate understanding of your measurements and preferences.

Survey Question Example: What is your typical suit size?

No. 2 Blueprints

A Digital Pattern Unique To You

Our Ratio Sizing algorithm creates a one-of-a-kind Blueprint, a custom pattern comprising the exact specifications of your garment that includes everything from the size of the collar to the width of the forearm.

Precise Results, Every Time

When you place an order, the shirt is cut from your individual Blueprint on our highly-advanced digital cutting machines. The process is precise and consistent, ensuring a perfect fit every time.

Simple Changes

With Blueprints, changes can be made with ease. Want to taper the waist of your shirt a little more? Simply adjust the waist specification on your Blueprint and your next order will be made to those revised specs.

Blueprint diagram with measuring tape

No. 3 Expert Review

Your Dedicated Fit Advisor

We believe that the combination of technology and human expertise provides the best result in online custom clothing.

That’s why every new client is assigned their own dedicated Fit Advisor to provide expert guidance regarding sizing issues, and to provide a detailed review before their first shirt goes to production.

Ratio Fit Advisor assisting a client

Perfect Fit, Guaranteed

If it doesn't fit perfectly, we'll alter or remake your first shirt for free.

Our #1 goal as a company is getting you in a perfect fit, and we’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen. The vast majority of our customers accomplish that on their first try using Ratio Sizing, but a small portion of our customers will require alterations. We’ve seen just about every fit issue in the book, and our knowledgeable customer service staff will guide you through the process and ensure you receive a perfect fit.

Read our full returns and alterations policy.

Man in a Ratio shirt

Common Questions

What about body measurements?

Body measurements are helpful, but they only tell part of the story. Two people with the same measurements can have vastly different fit preferences. Our Ratio Sizing questionnaire captures much of the same information, but also gets a better total understanding of your build and fit preferences.

Taking and interpreting measurements takes years of practice and knowledge as well. While we always appreciate the help of roommates/spouses/etc., the simple truth is that amateur measurements don’t always result in a great fit.

Do you offer other sizing methods? Can I copy the measurements from another shirt?

Our Ratio Sizing survey results in the best fit for most customers, but if you have measurements from a trusted tailor or would like to copy the measurements of an existing shirt, just email us or leave us a note in Special Instructions during checkout. We’ll usually want to ask a few follow-up questions, but we’re happy to work with whatever you provide us.

Can I come in for a fitting instead?

Definitely! If you’re in the Denver area, just schedule an appointment at our showroom and we’ll take care of the rest.